Deck & Fence Cleaning Services

Revive Decks: Save Time, Enhance Value.

Proper maintenance of decks and fences is crucial, yet often time-consuming and labor-intensive. Our professional cleaning not only saves you valuable time but also extends the life and beauty of your outdoor structures. Regular upkeep with our expert services ensures that your deck and fence remain in pristine condition, enhancing your property's overall aesthetic and value.

Expert Care: Safe Chemicals, Restored Beauty.

At Avalanche Power Clean, we use specially formulated chemicals that are tough on dirt yet gentle on wood, ensuring no damage to your cherished outdoor spaces. Our professionals are adept at reviving the natural beauty of your decks and fences, restoring their original charm and enhancing the overall aesthetic of your property. With our commitment to safe, effective cleaning methods, you can enjoy a beautifully maintained outdoor area without the worry of harsh chemicals.

It’s easy and only takes 5 minutes!